E01 - in the power system failure.
All codes E01, E02, E03, E04 and E05 indicate a problem with the power supply module.
E06 - Problems with the door lock (contactor) - It is necessary to check the door switch
E07 - Problem drying fan - Fan drying is defective or does not work.
E08 - Low levels of water in the tank
E09 - Error heating element (defective heater)
E10 - flow sensor error (weak flow of water can lead to overheating of the heating element)
E11 - NTC thermistor faulty Faulty wiring or safety thermostat
E13 - Too high a temperature at the inlet of the system exceeds 75 ˚ C
If the dishwasher is connected to hot water, this error may indicate a temperature sensor fault or temperature is too high.
E14 - Faulty water meter sensor (reed switch) - Perhaps the pressure of the water supply system is too high
E15 - Water based
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