Under the service life is understood as the calendar length of use of the product until the emergence of the state, resulting in a loss of efficiency of the refrigerator. refrigerators lifetime can reach 16 - 20 years. However, the "moral" aging refrigerators occurs so rapidly that the actual period is limited to 4 - 7 years.
The term of service of the refrigerator, as well as the warranty period specified in the manufacturer's data sheet. When using the product after the end of this life, the responsibility for the consequences borne by the owner.
Reliability - property products perform specified functions, while maintaining its operating characteristics within the specified limits for the specified time. The main indicator of reliability - reliability, ie property products continue to operate during the period of time set by.
There are sudden and gradual failures. Sudden failures occur as a result of a combination of adverse factors, so their appe
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The refrigeration unit operates as follows. Motor-compressor pumps the refrigerant vapors from the evaporator and the condenser in their pumps. The capacitor pair freon cooled and condensed. Then the liquid freon through the filter drier and capillary tubing enters the evaporator. Hydraulic resistance of a capillary conduit is selected in such a way as to create a definite difference between the condensing pressure and suction that creates a compressor, through a conduit in which a certain amount of liquid passed. Each capillary corresponds to a motor-compressor. On entering the refrigerant evaporator, the pressure drops from the condensing pressure and the boiling pressure. This process is called throttling. Thus there is a boiling refrigerant, entering the evaporator channels Freon boils, the energy required to heat a boil, taken from the surface of the evaporator, cooling the air in the refrigerator. After passing through the evaporator the liquid freon is converted into steam, w
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The most popular gas stove fault - problems with the hob. Often the first noticeable flame attenuated, then disappears completely. The main reason for this phenomenon appears blockage dividers or burners. This sloppy cooking results. Thus vykipevshy broth, sauce, leading to clogging of the small holes. Furthermore, they can block the detergent particles.
Repairs is divided into a current, recovery and overhaul. Capital - a substantial overhaul of fixed assets, the largest in volume form of scheduled maintenance, under which a disassembly of the unit, replacing all worn parts and assemblies, repeated not less than one year (in maintenance unit or do not understand, or disassembled part, without replacement or repair of basic parts). After overhaul the technical parameters of the machine should be closer to the original. Often at the same time carried out and modernization.
Complex strategies protective functions of technical systems aimed at reducing the severity or prevent failures.
Maintenance - preventive measures carried out systematically forced through the established periods, including a specific set of works.
All work is to maintain the necessary level of technical state of equipment are divided into the maintenance, repair, modernization and replacement.
Maintenance is divided into regulated and unregulated.
Regulate maintenance includes work performed in accordance with the technical documentation is mandatory after a certain mileage, operating time or the time interval for pre-approved regulations. Such works usually include: replacement of lubrication units, replacement of some critical of wearing and easy to replace parts, test vessels and hoisting devices, adjustment and commissioning of the responsible working machines (eg winders), periodic maintenance special plan and regulations, and so on. n., as well
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