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The refrigerator is perhaps the most sought-after and most beloved household appliance in any home. Remember how many times a day we open the treasured door. And we are so used to the fact that our food is safe and at hand that we simply cannot imagine another life. And if suddenly something happens to the refrigerator, it becomes a real blow for us. A broken refrigerator is a real disaster for the whole family. It is imperative to know the most common refrigerator breakdowns and their causes so as not to violate the operating rules, and in which case, to know when you can handle it yourself and when to call the master. Fortunately, everything is not so scary.

There are specialists who know everything about refrigerators and will cope with any situation in a matter of hours.


The most common failures and their traditional causes are listed here. Some of them are so simple that you can fix the problem yourself. But if you suspect a real breakdown, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialist as soon as possible. Self-repair of complex equipment in most cases not only does not solve the existing problem, but also leads to new malfunctions.

So what happened to your refrigerator?

No. 1. Refrigerator interior lighting missing

You can't call this problem a problem. Many generally prefer not to do anything with it, because the lack of light does not affect the functionality, but the view is still noticeably difficult, so it’s better to fix the problem in time.

1.No contact between plug and socket

2. Bulb burnt out

3. Breakage of the light switch button

If the first two situations can be completely corrected on your own, then repairing a button is definitely the work of a master.

No. 2. Refrigerator won't turn on

1. the compressor is out of order, and clicks can be heard. An open winding or short circuit can cause a problem;

2. malfunction of the sensor or thermostat, i.e. the refrigerator cannot detect that the temperature inside has risen. If the reason is in the thermostat, then you need to find the two wires that lead to it, remove them from the terminals and connect them together. If the reason is in the thermostat, then the refrigerator will work;

3.fault in the control module. Signals are received from the sensors to turn on the motor, but the board does not perceive them or does not transmit a signal to the motor.

4. if the light is not on, and there are no problems with connecting to electricity, then the reason may be in the relay. You can check with an ohmmeter if you disconnect and ring the relay;

To determine the cause of the problem, diagnostics by the master is necessary. A malfunctioning element needs to be replaced.

No. 3. Refrigerator won't turn off

Normally, the compressor should run continuously (and the refrigerator should hum) for 12-20 minutes. Then it "rests" for a few minutes and starts up again. When the refrigerator does not turn off at all (that is, it hums continuously), this is not normal and leads to rapid wear of the compressor.

The main causes of the problem:

1. a loosely closed door or damage to the seal (make sure that the seal is intact and fits snugly against the surface of the case around the entire perimeter, leaving no gaps);

2. the function of super-freezing or super-cooling is on (do not leave the refrigerator in this mode for a longer time than allowed by the instructions);

3. high temperature in the room or the proximity of heating devices (provide the device with the necessary operating conditions - they are indicated in the instructions);

4. failure of the temperature sensor or thermostat (replacement is required);

5. failure of the control module (it is reconfigured, reflashed or replaced with a new one);

6. blockage of the capillary tube (washing is needed);

7. refrigerant leak (it is necessary to eliminate the damage to the circuit, as well as refill freon);

8. wear of the compressor (the old motor must be replaced).

No. 4. Loud noise during operation

It happens that the refrigerator, during operation, begins to growl and buzz much more strongly than is typical for normal operation. Causes:

1.Incorrect installation of the refrigerator

It should stand exactly (checked by the building level), on a solid, solid foundation. A properly installed refrigerator does not stagger, and does not vibrate while the motor is running. In this case, there will be no buzz and cod.

2. Damage to the compressor suspension

A specialist should deal with the suspension. Both repair and replacement of the motor-compressor, if necessary, are subject only to experienced hands.

3.faulty fan;

4. Faulty or worn engine, the operation of which also causes noise;

5.Unstable position of the relay in the magnetic field of the pillow.


The main causes of elevated temperature in the chambers:

1. malfunction of the temperature sensor (replacement is needed);

2. the temperature settings have gone astray due to voltage fluctuations in the mains (check the settings, if necessary, reconfigure the refrigerator, and then plug it into the mains through a voltage stabilizer);

3. accidental pressing of the "Defrost" button (if the function is already running, defrost the unit to the end, and then turn it on);

4. the refrigerator is overloaded with products (do not load the chambers with a large number of products at room temperature at once, divide the stock into several parts and stack them in stages);

5. refrigerant leak (you need to find the place of the leak, repair the damage and refill the freon);

6. loose fit of the doors (make sure that the doors close well, and the seal fits snugly against the body, leaving no gaps);

7. Compressor failure (to be replaced);

8. blockage of the cooling system (diagnosis is required to find the place of blockage and eliminate it).

No. 6. The refrigerator is too cold or too cold

It is immediately necessary to exclude the banal reason - the incorrect setting of the thermal regime. If everything is in order with this, and the vegetables freeze even on the lower shelves, then there may be several reasons:

1. weak fastening of the siphon tube, as a result of which contact with the evaporator wall is weakened, or the tube comes out from under the surface of the clamping bar. You just need to properly fix the tube;

2.failure of the thermostat. Try to put it in a position close to the minimum. If this does not help, you will have to change the thermostat.

Another problem is when the refrigerator seems to be working, but it's still too warm inside. Reasons for this trouble:

seal damage;
the presence of heating devices near the refrigerator;
the refrigerator is too close to the wall;
refrigerant leak;
The refrigerator is constantly exposed to direct sunlight.
No. 7. Refrigerator turns on and off immediately

The sooner this problem is solved, the better for the refrigerator. If tightened, more expensive repair or replacement of the refrigerator may be necessary.


1.compressor malfunction;

2. breakage of the starting relay

A quick shutdown of the refrigerator indicates problems with the compressor or start-up relay. The motor-compressor most often “suffers” from interturn short circuits and winding breakage.

As a result, when starting, the motor overheats and a protective relay is activated, turning it off. Repair of the part is usually ineffective, so the motor-compressor will most likely need to be replaced.

In addition to all of the above, there are a lot of refrigerator malfunctions that you may not notice for quite some time. Timely service can prevent many troubles in the operation of your equipment. Do not neglect the proper care of your refrigerator by entrusting it to reliable specialists

No. 8. Formation of a snow coat

The most common reasons:

1. You have not defrosted the refrigerator for a long time (if the fur coat is in the freezer);

2.chambers are overloaded with products;

3. compressor malfunction (it needs to be replaced);

4. the light switch is broken (to be repaired or replaced);

5. a door that is not tightly closed (it is possible that food containers simply prevent it from closing, and sometimes the door sags or warps, in which case it needs to be adjusted);

6. the door seal is damaged or has lost elasticity (replaced with a new one);

7. blockage of the capillary tube (washing and refilling of high-quality freon is required);

8. there are unpackaged products and unclosed containers with liquids in the chamber (moisture quickly evaporates from food and settles on the walls in the form of frost, so all stocks must be packed in bags or closed with tight lids

No. 9. Water collects under the refrigerator

Common reasons:

1. hot food was placed in the freezer or refrigerator; 2. blockage of the drain hole or tube in the refrigerator with a weeping evaporator (the drainage system needs to be cleaned); 3. high humidity in the room (ventilate the kitchen or use the hood, and in the future try to create optimal working conditions for your refrigerator, which are described in the instructions for it)


Most breakdowns are difficult to diagnose on their own, and even more difficult to carry out repairs in order to really restore functionality and not damage anything. Your equipment will be safer and more durable if you can do without amateur repair.
In addition to the breakdowns listed above, there are specific malfunctions that are typical for refrigerators from certain manufacturers. Masters are familiar with these weaknesses, therefore they can quickly understand what is the cause of a particular malfunction.

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