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Superfreeze in the refrigerator: essence, measles

Superfreeze in the refrigerator: essence, measles

The freezer in today's refrigerators at our hour no longer welcomes anyone. And the axis of the function of super-freezing, like a deep swish, lower traditional freezer, can call the refrigerator’s owners a lively interest and pull up to experiments. It’s less surprising why someone hasn’t mastered such a handy and effective way of freezing products, like the super-freezing mode.

The Super Freeze or Super Freeze mode (Super Freeze, Turbo Cold thinly) allows you, obviously, to freeze a lot of products at a time, quickly moving up the same temperature in the freezer. If you put frozen foods in the freezer and turn on superfreeze, you can save more vitamins in them and deprive them of the taste, which is not always inevitable, sometimes close to fresh. You need to start this mode a couple of years before the start - then the temperature drops to -24 ... -28 ° C (sound out in the region of -18 ° C). For some modern models of refrigerators, this process can be increased to -36, -38 degrees. To lay such a regime in the form of refrigerators. The value of such terms of super-freezing of products is still low, although the principle of operation of all of them is practically the same.

If you want to activate the superfreeze function, the compressor for boosting the No Frost system (which may not be available in this model) starts to work with a greater intensity and without intervals, until the temperature in the freezer reaches the “shock” threshold. Once the temperature level is reached, it can develop for two different scenarios:

1. If the model of your refrigerator is already pushed in, the refrigerator will figure out by itself until a certain moment to adjust the temperature range, after which the super-freeze function will be disabled, and the freezer itself will turn to its original working temperature of -18 ° C.

2. If the refrigerator does not automatically turn on the super-frost, after the product has been frozen, you should independently turn the refrigerator off from this state, turning on this function manually.

Korist superfrozen for products

We need this regimen in order to ensure that when a large amount of products are frozen, “new profits” are made, the process is faster and quicker, but in a different way it is correct. Under the right conditions, the so-called shock freezing is called, when the motherland, which is found in products, passes the stage of complete crystallization, while not damaging the fibers and the structure of the product.

The very method of shock freezing allows you to save the splendid look and the corny power of vegetables, fruits, yagid, meat, ribeye and other products. In addition, even if in the freezer the other products are frozen earlier, then when the superfreeze mode is activated, the stench will not be recognized by partial defrost when the room temperature is controlled by new suids.

How to properly vicorate the superfreeze mode?

Let's say you tried to buy fresh products. In such situations, turn on the freezing mode a year before the refrigerator is likely to be filled with food. Until this moment, the freezer has reached the required temperature. As simple as that, then freeze the frost earlier, if you haven’t gone for groceries yet.

One more important moment, what a trace of vrakhovuvati, like in the refrigerator there is a special tray for freezing eggs, mushrooms, herbs. Lay them out in thin balls, if you freeze the stench, take good care of yourself and not get stuck between yourself.

It is necessary to know such a thing and such a detail, as it is necessary to insure obov'yazkovo. It is necessary to recognize the instructions, or other gerels, as the hardness of freezing is laid in the refrigerator for an hour of preparation with a picker. It seems simpler, how many products are in kilograms, in the building freeze for one production.

It’s important to remember and constantly do it, because the freezing itself will make the compressor work on the moving boundary, and whether it’s an adventurous thing, we’ll take it easy.

Follow a simple rule - never overwhelm the refrigerator over the norm and then serve you for a long time.

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